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In this presentation, we are going to talk about eight best practices for a successful launch of your business video platform.
First, it is important to clearly explain the project:
Why should you deploy a video platform?
What are the proposed uses?
What are the objectives?
What types of content will be shared on the platform?
Give as much information to your employees as you can to facilitate the deployment process. Overcome resistance to change and create strong enthusiasm.
Then identify all possible uses and ensure relevant content is shared regularly.
Videos are a great tool for sharing information and expertise and there are many possible uses for them.
For training: capture and capitalize your training content to complement or replace your in-person training sessions. For internal communication: simply share the expertise of your staff, information from conferences, company news, remarks from the President and more.
For the Marketing and Sales Department: distribute product presentations, sales techniques, client testimonials, strategy, and so on. For IT: share tutorials to explain the benefits and operations of new solutions or software.
Then, seek the consent of your firm’s various departments and their managers.
They will be key players to the success of your video platform, by finding content creators and encouraging their teams to visualize their ideas into videos.
They can also set specific goals such as the number of videos to publish, an estimate of potential viewers and the expected impact on the organization.
This will allow you to determine "measurable business objectives" that should be evaluated at the end of the year.
The best way to accelerate the deployment of your platform is to train and motivate users who will create content. To do this, you need to explain how the new solution works and why it will benefit them in their daily work activities. You will thus remove "resistance to change" and encourage an embrace of the solution.
Introduce "concrete examples of use" with actual business processes so that users can quickly understand the application of the tool. Stress it’s functionality but also on the benefits of the solution. You need to motivate them to create content and give them the needed resources to nurture a good working environment. Give your creators a set number of modules to create, otherwise they neglect designing any.
You can organize in-person trainings for employees, however, also share your best practices and tutorials via videos. Indeed, videos are a tool particularly suited for this and employees should be able to access the information when needed.
You must then provide the necessary tools to enable content creators shoot their videos.
Several options are available for this.
Firstly, you can give each content creator the necessary equipment, which includes a high quality computer, a microphone and a camera. A second option is to have one or two sets of recording equipment available to all content creators. You can configure a PC just for this purpose to save time. With everything pre-set, they will easily settle into the quiet, bright room to record their videos.
You can also install a "recording studio.” This will allow your employees save time and create high-quality content. With this, the lighting, the microphone and the camera will always be correctly positioned and adjusted.
Lastly, you can outsource the video creation to an "external service provider." Your videos will be excellent but the costs will be higher.
To facilitate the deployment of your platform, it is also important to identify the best content creators. Those who are most comfortable and who have the most visibility within your company.
They will become "sponsors" for your platform and with them you quickly detect new content creators. Encourage and support them. Send them detailed reports to show them the success and impact of their presentations. After, communicate this success to your workforce. This will motivate them to continue. Record their testimonials and give them open recognition. Finally, if your company policy allows, give them bonuses or rewards. Your video platform must be regularly updated with relevant presentations.
It is important to diversify the type of content created according to your needs. There are many ways to create a video. You can opt for self-production, studio capture, conferences, interview, software tutorial, promotional film, e-learning videos, street interviews or sketches and more. The best option depends on the final use of the video, your budget, your internal skills, the time available, and the life of the content.
Remember to properly determine your needs and resources before starting your project.
Whatever format used in recording your video, you can always share it on your Momindum platform. However, we advise you to index all your videos with at least an outline to make them more attractive and accessible to viewers.
Finally, to ensure the success of your platform, you must maximize the visibility of your videos.
To do this, you must share your videos in the right places. If you share them where your employees are working, they will access them very easily. So integrate your "Web TV" directly in their "workspace“. Avoid creating a new independent platform.
Also, please remember to post them at the right time. The subject of the video must be relevant to employees in meeting an immediate business need.
In the same way that you broadcast external videos on multiple channels, you must also expansively communicate internal videos. Share your videos on all available communication platforms such as email, ESN and more. Seeing the video on these platforms will rouse the curiosity of the staff.
Finally, view user statistics to understand who has seen what and when. Analyse the results and then implement automated mailings. For example, when a person views a video, you can send a personalized email to thank, congratulate and offer to them other videos with similar themes. Also, if some employees have not viewed important videos, send them a personalized message.
For more information on this, please watch the video "6 techniques to enhance visibility of your corporate videos" that you can find via the link on your screen.
Thank you for your time and kindly contact us if you require more information.
Bye for now. -
- Eight Best Practices to Successfully Launch Your Video Platform
- Explain our strategy and Goals
- Detect All Possible Uses
- Get Managers Involved
- Train and Motivate Content Creators
- Facilitate the creation of content
- Find and Evaluate sponsors
- Diversify the types of videos made
- Increase the Visibility of Your Videos
- Thank you for watching!
measurable business objectives
resistance to change
concrete examples of use
external service provider.
Web TV
6 techniques to enhance visibility of your corporate videos
measurable business objectives
8 best practices to successfully launch your video platform
Published on 07/28/2016 Best practices and Tutorials- CF C Ferland